we are alive.

Hey there! 



I'm Jon.

 I am an artist living my 12th year in San Francisco.  Honestly I can't really believe it either.  Darwin was right.

 I infuse all of my Pen & Ink illustrations with coffee.  Funny story, it happened by accident one jittery morning, and when I discovered how cool the sepia wash looked, the rest is history.  

I am currently putting together a book of my favorite coffee washed illustrations from the past 2 years.  The GOAL is to publish this book and then do an independently financed tour of the West Coast:  SF, Portland, and Seattle, with large portions of the book sales going to local charities in each area.  

This compendium would not have been possible without the generous donations given to me by many, MANY amazing people, donations which have just surpassed $10,000!!!  Thank you all from the deepest depths of my heart.  I have just under $1,700 left in my $12,000 goal, so if you would like to contribute, please click your preferred transaction method below!!!  Thanks so much! 

Donate To Lost Colony!

- Finish the Book!  At the moment it is about 50% done.  At the end of it there will be anywhere between 50-75 illustrations.  

- Book the Tour!  I am currently in talks with coffeehouses, comic book stores, and book stores in three different states to get this thing on shelves and counters.  The tentative route includes San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.  Straight up, straight down.  

- Tour!  I would be really stoked to do the tour this year, if everything falls into place.  I have a ton of ideas, including bringing music into the equation.  it's all happening really fast so I gotta stay corked.  Trust me when I say, that if this all falls into place perfectly, I will be shouting every last detail from the mountaintops.  





"If you work really really really hard, I promise you that you will get everything that you ever want in life."
-Conan O Brien's sign-offs from both Late Night & Tonight Show